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Our Humans

What to expect

Tired of cookie-cutter leadership programs that leave you feeling uninspired?

We believe that true leadership isn't about following a script – it's about uncovering your authentic self and harnessing your unique strengths to create meaningful impact, heres what you can expect when working with us.

  • Real Talk, Real Results: We'll cut through the fluff and focus on practical strategies that you can apply right away to make a real difference in your leadership.
  • A Focus on You: We understand that every manager and every team is unique. Our approach is tailored to your specific needs and goals, not some generic "one-size-fits-all" model or corporate crystal ball nonsense.

  • Challenges That Spark Growth: We'll push you to step outside your comfort zone and explore new ways of thinking and demonstrating leadership. We believe that true growth happens when we embrace discomfort and challenge the status quo.
  • A supportive community: You'll be surrounded by spirited humans who understand your struggles and celebrate your successes. You'll build lasting connections and find a safe space to share your experiences and insights.
  • A Focus on Action: We won't just talk about leadership – we'll equip you with the tools and strategies to take action and create real change in your workplace.
  • Humour and Fun: We believe that learning should be enjoyable. Our workshops are engaging, interactive, and often include a healthy dose of humour.
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • I'm keen on leadership development, but my company doesn't usually invest in this. What can I do?

    We get it. Companies often focus on the bottom line, and leadership development can sometimes get overlooked. But, we've seen firsthand how investing in people pays off big time. Share our success stories with your HR team – they might be surprised by the impact our programs can have! If that doesn't work, let's have a chat with them. We'd love to show them how bringing a more human touch to leadership can transform your workplace.

  • I'm already an experienced leader. What's in it for me?

    Leadership is a journey, not a destination. Whether you're feeling stuck in a rut or just want to keep pushing your boundaries, we've got something for you.

    If you're craving a deeper connection with your team, the Human Manager Experience is a great place to start. It's all about understanding yourself so you can better understand and lead others.

    If you're grappling with change or complex challenges, the Adaptive Masterclass or Adaptive Leadership Workout will equip you with the skills to navigate uncertainty and lead with courage.

  • I'm not a manager yet, but I want to be. How can you help me get there?

    Leadership isn't just about a title. It's about bringing your best self to the table, no matter your role. We recommend starting with the Human Manager Experience or our online Human Manager Academy. These programs focus on developing self-awareness and essential human skills, laying a strong foundation for your future leadership journey.

  • I've done leadership training before, but people seem to forget what they learned. How is your approach different?

    We get it - "one and done" training doesn't work. That's why our programs follow the 3 E's: Educate, Experiment, Embed. We don't just teach you new concepts; we help you apply them in the real world and make them stick. Through ongoing support and accountability, we'll ensure that the transformation you experience lasts long after the workshop ends.

  • My 360 feedback says I'm too focused on the day-to-day. How can I become more strategic?

    It's a common challenge – getting caught up in the details and losing sight of the big picture. The key is to start letting go of the "doing" and embrace the "leading." We'll help you develop the skills to delegate effectively, empower your team, and step back to gain a broader perspective.

  • My team's engagement scores are low. Can your program help?

    Absolutely! Our Human Manager Experience and Human Manager Academy are proven to boost engagement for the right reasons. We'll help you create a more positive, collaborative, and empowering work environment, where your team feels valued and motivated to perform their best. But remember, sustainable engagement starts with authentic leadership.

  • I work in a technical field. Why should I focus on "human skills"?

    Technical skills are important, but they're only half the equation. The most successful leaders understand that it's human connections that truly drive success. Our programs will help you develop the empathy, communication, and collaboration skills that are essential for building strong teams and fostering a positive workplace culture.

  • My manager doesn't support personal development. How can I change their mind?

    That's a tough situation. Start by highlighting the benefits of leadership development for the team and the organisation. If that doesn't work, consider seeking out a mentor or finding opportunities for growth outside of your current role. Remember, your development is your responsibility.

  • What makes the Human Manager Experience different from other leadership courses?

    No boring PowerPoints, no corporate jargon, just real conversations and hands-on learning. We focus on building genuine connections, fostering vulnerability, and empowering you to become the best version of yourself as a leader.

  • I'm worried about being in a room with people at different levels of experience. Will that be a problem?

    Not at all! In fact, diversity of experience is a strength. You'll learn just as much from your peers as you will from the facilitators. We create a safe and supportive environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their insights and challenges.

  • When should I start providing leadership training for my team?

    The sooner, the better! Leadership development isn't just for managers; it's for everyone. Even those in individual contributor roles can benefit from developing their leadership skills.

  • What if someone on my team doesn't want to be a manager?

    That's perfectly fine! Leadership isn't just about managing people. It's about taking initiative, influencing others, and making a positive impact. We can help you identify their strengths and interests and find development opportunities that align with their goals.

  • I'm feeling stuck in my current role. How can I break out of this negativity?

    It's time for some self-reflection! We recommend taking some time to identify your passions, explore new opportunities, and assess your skills and capabilities. Our coaching programs can also help you gain clarity and create a plan for moving forward.

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