Mark LeBusque


Being Human

Frankie the Robot was different and he understood the power of flicking his management switch and rewiring to human. Join Frankie on his quest to bring more humanity to work through the 7 Steps to Rewiring Managers, and see first hand improvements in employee engagement, management effectiveness and business performance. 

Be Like Frankie – Rewire Your Management Style

Get your copy of Being Human

the little book of Human

Frankies back and this time he’s got company. 

In the little book of Human, Frankie the Robot and his metal mate Otto find humans from around the world who have rewired their management styles in order to serve others human beings.

They also share some amazingly simple and practical tools for all managers and challenge you to listen to your gut instincts more.  

It’s not about fancy titles and old robotic processes, the new way is to be Human.

Get your copy of the little book of Human